Your Law of Attraction -Loving Spiritual Guide & Life Coach

I help you trust your intuition and follow it to your highest path — even when it seems crazy!

Ready to reclaim your destiny but need help getting out of your own way?

I know how it feels to lose your passion and sense of self to the busy, daily grind of surviving.

If you’re feeling . . . 

  • Restless and worried you’ll always be stuck in a job that is crushing your spirit. 

  • Worried you’ll never get to do that thing you dream about, leaving you feeling EMPTY and unfulfilled.

  • Like you’ve lost yourself and frustrated that the same harmful patterns keep repeating in your life.

  • Overwhelmed with how to grow your passionate idea into a business without burning yourself out.

  • Secretly fearful you don’t have what it takes to go for what you really want.

These are all signs that your soul is calling you to a higher path even if you don't know what it is right now.

And I’ve been there . . .

A few years ago, I felt LOST, in a void, and like there was no way out of my circumstances. I had no idea what direction to go in next, or even what I wanted to do.

I knew that wasn’t the real me — deep inside I was a dreamer, eternal optimist, and go-getter waiting to be set free.

But, you don't have to feel trapped, frustrated, or alone any longer . . .

I Can Help If You Want To:

  • Find the confidence to take the leap and finally pursue your #1 passion — you know that “impossible dream” idea you may have even had since childhood.

  • Heal the past, reconnect to yourself, and rediscover what lights you up so you can move in an exciting new direction that resonates more with your soul.

  • Change careers to something more fulfilling even if you’ve been in the same field forever and aren’t sure it’s possible for you (I promise — it is!).

  • Turn your passion project or calling into a profitable dream biz minus the frustration and overwhelm of trying to figure it all out on your own.

  • Finally leave the vicious work-exhaustion-REPEAT cycle behind to experience less daily stress and more peace.

  • Have a lifestyle you look forward to living each day instead of one you dread and dream of escaping from. A lifestyle that gives you more time with your family, a schedule that follows your natural rhythms, and where you spend your time doing what you love most.

You’re just not sure how to get there on your own — and that’s where I come in to guide you back to your true self.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

- Mary Oliver

I went from feeling FROZEN to feeling INSPIRED every day, so I know that you can too! Now I make a living as an entrepreneur, live all my childhood passions, and work only when I want to, (and I'm definitely a night owl, so goodbye early mornings!).

I help busy women get unstuck and take the leap to pursue what they really want to do so they can start enjoying more ease, freedom, and fulfillment every day.

My mission is to help you clarify your purpose, trust your intuition, and create a soul-aligned action plan to start living the lifestyle that fits your soul.

My Journey

From Trapped and Frustrated to Empowered and Fulfilled

"When true simplicity is gained to bow and to bend we shan't be afraid. To turn, turn will be our delight still by turning, turning we come around right."

- from the folk song, Simple Gifts

2005: I decide to follow my intuition, trust the Universe, and leave all I ever knew behind to pursue my dreams . . .

I moved to NY a month after college with $2000, 2 suitcases, and a DREAM. 

After 7 years of hard work, I accomplished my goal of producing shows and performing as a dancer/choreographer and singer/songwriter — all my childhood dreams!

But, secretly, I was struggling.

Everyone thought I was “living the dream,” but my grueling dance and Pilates teaching schedule left me in daily physical pain. By the end of my 20’s I was already burned out.

I knew I “should” be happy, but felt trapped in the life I’d worked so hard to create.

When I hit 30, I figured maybe the exciting, dream-chasing chapter of my life was over and it was time to "settle down," even though a part of me felt I hadn’t quite reached the level I had hoped for . . . So, I moved back to CA and traded my performing arts career in for a "stable career" in mental health

I became a Homeless Outreach Worker despite not having a degree or license in mental health, but starting this high-pressure, high-stress job 2 months after losing my mother soon took its toll. My shoulder, back, and neck pain got worse and I felt stressed and anxious almost 24/7 while I took care of everyone but myself. 

I was in deep spiritual distress, but ignoring all the signals just to survive day-to-day.

The silver lining was — through this job I learned about holistic, non-invasive therapies that finally gave me relief from my now chronic physical pain and released some stress. I also learned about the Law of Attraction and began rewiring negative thought patterns that made me feel more hopeful for the first time in a while.

This led to a big “aha” moment.

I learned I could control my external reality through the power of my thoughts. When I started practicing mindfulness and visualization techniques things I thought were impossible started manifesting effortlessly — like traveling to Europe solo and becoming a homeowner.

2020: I climb to the top of the mental health field in only 5 years and become the County Conservatorship Investigator. I even like my job, there’s only one problem . . .

I knew I didn't want to spend the next 20 years chained to a cubicle I didn't belong in. I could feel my soul pulling me back to a creative career I’d always hoped for.

So, I started a freelance copywriting business hoping to escape the 9 to 5 rat race, and organically started doing professional tarot readings too. I rediscovered my life-long interest in spirituality and reconnected to my intuition in a powerful way. This led to my first spiritual awakening which opened my eyes to my soul's truth —

I wasn't ready to give up on my dream life and I was in charge of my own destiny!

So, I made a choice to start over AGAIN and pick my dreams up where I’d left off . . .

2021: I quit my job, moved back to NY, and like MAGIC began manifesting dreams I never could have imagined, including:

🌟  Being hired to book top NYC talent and create shows for a brand new, innovative venue in Brooklyn.

🌟  Producing and marketing my own sold-out variety shows at local businesses in my neighborhood.

🌟  Singing professionally for bands in NY and NJ — even rehearsing in Times Square!

🌟  Becoming a FT entrepreneur and waking up whenever the hell I want to!

🌟  Being contracted to manage a high-end event at the Ritz Carlton in Manhattan - a mind-blowing opportunity that came to me “out of nowhere.” (See photo above of that dream moment when I realized I DID IT!)

Now I know the only thing that ever stands between you and your dreams is your ability to believe in your true potential.

"You never know what's coming for you."

- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Some Fun Facts About Me:

🌟 The Wizard of Oz was the initial inspiration for my journey. Here I am on the actual Yellow Brick Road in Upstate NY where Frank L. Baum got his inspiration — a full circle moment for me!

🌟  I’m obsessed with vintage circus and was told I was in the circus in a past life — which is funny because I once performed as a tightrope walking ballerina and, as a kid, my mom found me in line to ride the elephants at the fair holding a stranger’s hand!

🌟  I love a real-life ghost story and staying in haunted places, which so far has included the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana, Mills College in Oakland, CA, and Tarrytown Estate on the Hudson in NY.

🌟  My shows helped landmark the Shore Theater in Coney Island where many early Vaudeville stars performed — one of my proudest accomplishments.

🌟  Traveling the world solo is my biggest passion — I’ve been to 5 European countries on my own, (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and Greece), and going to Africa next - can’t wait!

“Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage,”

- Anais Nin

My Professional Bio

Nicole Holst has combined 20+ years of experience in physical, mental, and spiritual health and marketing into her work as an Intuitive Life Purpose Coach and Business Mentor. She has helped thousands of people heal from life-long trauma and chronic pain in her work as a Certified Pilates Instructor, Homeless Outreach worker, and Supervisor of intensive mental health treatment teams. Nicole helped hundreds of homeless people to get off the streets and into treatment and housing with her supportive guidance and skill-building.

She holds a BA in Dance from Cal State University, Long Beach, and has extensive experience in biomechanical correction and psycho-somatic connection. Nicole has done intensive mental health training and has trained officers in several Sheriff and Police Departments in trauma-informed care and crisis intervention techniques.

Nicole has successfully created 4 profitable businesses based on her childhood passions. She has been a professional singer/songwriter, freelance copywriter, tarot reader, and show producer. Her tarot readings have inspired many clients to make powerful changes in their lives including leaving toxic relationships, making important career decisions, and navigating life transitions. As a professional copywriter, Nicole helped many women entrepreneurs get powerful results such as increasing their email open rates to twice the industry average, exponentially increasing website traffic and increasing sales. Nicole has sold out all of her independently-produced shows with DIY organic marketing since 2006.

Nicole’s well-rounded background gives her a unique, holistic advantage to help you transform your life on all levels — she’s like 4 coaches in one!

How I Help You Follow Your Soul Path

Back in my soul's happy place in Brooklyn, where I feel inspired, supported, and alive!

I carefully created my life purpose coaching and business coaching programs to consolidate all of my experience into one place.

There’s nothing like following your true bliss and succeeding.

And I believe it's possible for everyone who follows where their heart leads . . .

All that matters is your CHOICE to make a CHANGE.

Then watch with wonder as the Universe lines up all the right people and opportunities for you like MAGIC once you align your energy to your purpose!

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

- Albert Einstein

Are you Ready to Choose Your BIG Life?